Walgett for Water Kids inspires others

Now the Water for Walgett Kids program has been running for a year, it seems others are also inspired to improve access to drinking water in remote communities.  The March 2015 launch of the WWK program at the Walgett school was fun and well attended.

Water chillers and dispensers will soon be installed in the schools at Boggabilla, Mungindi and Toomelah by the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health of the University of Sydney.

The Walgett team continues to monitor water usage at the Walgett school, and documents oral health data as a way of measuring the ongoing impact of the program against our baseline data.

We must give thanks to the team at Nganampa Health Council on the APY Lands in Central Australia, for providing the Walgett team with background information based on Nganampa’s many years of improving water supply, and of improving oral health on the Lands.