Village visit reveals extent of the need

TT and HH are visiting the 3 project villages and working with village teams to assess the extent of the damage, and to sort out priority works.  In Bhattedanda village most houses are destroyed, or have damage that makes the home unsafe and in need of demolition.

One NGO is delivering a temporary shelter kit to families in Bhattedanda – when assembled it forms a curved tin shelter, which a family can customise, and use chosen materials to fill in the ends for weather proofing and security.  Some groups of villagers have created extended tent “homes” which accommodate up to 9 families.

TT and HH are using donated funds to supply kits of tin sheets in Arubot and Dandagaun.  Villagers will use these shelters through the coming rainy season, during which time they will pull down damaged houses and clear the rubble generally.  They will reuse the tin sheets for roofing in the new homes, as well as recycling any undamaged elements, such as doors, window frames.

Villagers are preparing to ride out the coming rainy season in their temporary shelters.  TT and HH are also supplying tin sheets for the villagers to make a cooking space separate from their temporary home, essentially to minimise the risk of fire in the home, and to create a reasonable space to store, prepare and cook food.