IDEALS Conference Cape Town, South Africa

In September TT met with others from dental and legal backgrounds at the IDEALS conference to share ideas and experiences around the ethics of dental care for individuals and communities.

Stimulating conversations were held with like minded souls from around the world, against the backdrop of the majestic Table Mountain.

TT also visited a clinic run by Kheth’Impilo in the township of Wallacedene.  Kheth’Impilo AIDS Free Living “is a South African not for profit organisation registered with the Department of Social Development….and is also a Public Benefit Organisation…to address HIV/AIDS and TB in the high prevalence districts throughout South Africa.”

The ‘mother city’ of South Africa – CAPE TOWN – was the venue for the 10th International Dental Ethics and Law Society Congress.  The 2014 Congress theme was Patient Rights – Limits to Autonomy? Ethical, Legal and Human Rights Perspectives.  3-5 September 2014.

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Soo nice to have the doors gliding easily again.
what a difference a frame makes. 
@avbconstruct expertly adjusting existing door frames.
Fading eastern light over western NSW plains on re-entry to Sydney.  Tough visit to Nepal this time. Struggling economy, massive inflation, increasing suicide rates, fewer and fewer jobs. Small wonder the drain of young people coursing out of the country, mainly aged 18-30 years, continues to grow. On average 3-4000 per day.  Villages are emptying. Schools are closing due to falling numbers of students.  Families are breaking up, leaving the parents to grow into either a lonely retirement in Nepal or face moving to another country where they are with their kids and grandkids but without their daily neighbours and local community.  It’s great to see so many beautiful Nepalese working and helping in Australia and other countries, and seeking opportunities they can’t find in their home country but the social, structural and political fracturing back in Nepal is deepening. The next few years will be very interesting.  Namaste!!🙏🏽 🙏🏽
Golden. @floyd_thegolden